Maytê is a best-selling author of 'Persuasion - how to Use Rhetoric and persuasive communication in Your Personal and Professional Life' and 'Dare to Speak Up.' A fellow researcher at the Berkeley Global Society's Institute of Technology and Innovation.
Holds a Master's degree in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP.Maytê teaches at ESPM, the PUC MBA program, and Casa do Saber. Previously served as Director of Business Strategy at TBWA Los Angeles (one of the world's top 5 advertising agencies) in California and currently holds the position of Chief Growth Officer at Cubo in New York.
She won the 'The Apprentice - Special Edition' and participated in the 'The Return' edition. She also has experience as an entrepreneur. She was elected one of the top 6 female entrepreneurs in Brazil by GQ Magazine with her 'Pharmacy Beauty' app, reaching the #1 spot on the AppStore.She secured investment for her startup with Camila Farani on Shark Tank.
On Instagram and YouTube, she shares intelligent and accessible content on Communication, Marketing, and Sales with her over 100,000 followers
The book develops readers for a new and uncertain world, especially in the age of Zoom calls and remote conversations, by easing readers back into a one-on-one conversation. Mayté Carvalho presents Persuasion as the opportunity to be a true enthusiast of speech and confidence by breaking down the theory of rhetoric into the much more digestible language of everyday use. No more having to look up difficult meanings and assumptions based on Aristotle's convoluted metaphors, but instead, speaking in a straightforward instance. Persuasion's initial release in Portuguese is now translated into English, expanding the conventional understanding of corporate conversation into an international interaction from one nation to another, presenting a universal reality: You can be confident in delivery.
Uma imersão de aprendizado, espaço para perguntas e respostas e comunidade exclusiva para alunos no WhatsApp
O Hub Masterclass Persuasão é a maior central de conteúdo online sobre Comunicação e Persuasão. Os conteúdos fazem parte da curadoria e produção exclusiva feita por Mayte Carvalho, uma das maiores especialista de comunicação, marketing e vendas do Brasil.